
The solution for organizing and analysing your microbes.


Get OpenGenomeBrowser running in 10 minutes!

These are the basic steps:

  1. Clone OpenGenomeBrowser Docker template
  2. Download demo database
  3. Run Docker compose
  4. Connect to the OpenGenomeBrowser container
  5. Create superuser
  6. Load the folder structure into the database

In order to run OpenGenomeBrowser with your own data you will have to prepare your files as described below.


Note: ensure you have a current version of docker! System repositories tend to be out of date!

Clone the OpenGenomeBrowser docker template

git clone
cd opengenomebrowser-docker-template

Download demo folder_structure


… or use your own folder_structure, of course! Read the documentation on how to do that.

Run Docker Compose

docker compose -f production-template.yaml up

Open https://localhost/, ignore the self-signed certificate, and you should see the welcome page!

Connect to the OpenGenomeBrowser container

In a seperate terminal, run:

# open terminal in Docker container
docker exec -ti opengenomebrowser_web bash

# log in as user
$docker (root)# sudo -u user --preserve-env bash

Create superuser

In the terminal from before, run:

# create django administrator account
$docker (user)# python createsuperuser

Open https://localhost/admin/ and you should be able to log in with your superuser account. Here, you could create new regular users.

Load the folder structure into the database

In the terminal from before, run:

# import organisms and genomes
$docker (user)# python db_setup/ import-folder-structure

# import ortholog annotations
$docker (user)# python db_setup/ import-orthologs

# import pathway maps
$docker (user)# python db_setup/ import-pathway-maps

Congratulations, OpenGenomeBrowser is ready! (Example: https://localhost/pathway/?map=kornec00400&g1=@tax:root)

Get ready for production

Apply updates

Updates are very simple to install. Simply stop the running container, pull the latest

# stop OpenGenomeBrowser (Ctrl+C)
# pull newest image
docker pull opengenomebrowser/opengenomebrowser
# start OpenGenomeBrowser
docker compose -f production-template.yaml up

From time to time, something like the following message may appear:

The folder structure needs to be updated to match OpenGenomeBrowser code.
Current version: 1, expected: 2
Use the script update_folder_structure from the package opengenomebrowser_tools to perform the upgrade!

It means that the folder structure requires certain changes to be compatible with the new version of OpenGenomeBrowser. These changes can be applied using the function update_folder_structure in opengenomebrowser-tools.